Good Morning America
Our sister Adrienne Smith went onto Good Morning America to tell her story. In it, she remembers the Herricanes as some of the women who paved the way for her. Watch it HERE.
Our sister Adrienne Smith went onto Good Morning America to tell her story. In it, she remembers the Herricanes as some of the women who paved the way for her. Watch it HERE.
Longue Vue Gardens and Dr. Jen Welter are highlighting women's football history just down the street from the Super Bowl. Our film is a part of this important sister exhibit to the big event. Read about it HERE.
Brene Brown and her team featured Olivia and The Herricanes on her platform. We are thrilled to have made such a positive connection to another football loving Houstonian. Read HERE.
THE HERRICANES will premiere at the Wayfarer Theaters outside of Chicago tomorrow. Catch up on all the press ahead of the show. EPOCH TIMES, THE RECORD North Shore, REBELLIOUS Magazine, Dziennik Zwiazkowy.
Danielle Lerner highlights the likely frienship that formed across generations of women football player in Houston in celebration of the film's theatrical premiere. Read HERE.
Following our theatrical premiere, The Herricanes were invited to the Texans stadium to join Andre Johnson and Hannah McNair in encouraging girls to participate in flag football. Read more HERE.
NPR's Juana Summers spoke with Olivia about The Herricanes and women's professional football on national radio. Listen HERE.
THE HERRICANES will be having its theatrical premiere in Houston tomorrow! The press is excited to share the news, including KPRC. Read their article HERE.
Jason Bristol highlights this little known conflict on his special about Houston sports stories. Though it didn't make the cut in the documentary, the lawsuit between the Herricanes and the Hurricane, still stings today. Watch HERE.
We are thrilled to be premiering our trailer on the Pop Start segment of The Today Show. Watch the clip HERE.
Jason Bristol brough his camera crew out to Axelrad to interview The Herricanes and celebrate their accomplishments. Watch his broadcast HERE.
We are excited to be screened as the kick-off film for this year's HAAPI Fest. Furthermore, Cary Darling has highlighted The Herricanes of one of 5 films to watch! Check it out HERE.
It is with #pride that we have been accepted into Frameline this year. Another landmark moment for our festival run! See the full lineup on DEADLINE.
We are pleased to announce that we have signed with Blue Harbor Entertainment as our distributor. It has been and incredible journey, and we are thrilled to be at this point. Read more on VARIETY.
Olivia talked to Dennis Cieri about The Herricanes and filmmaking before the NYC Independent Film Festival in June. WATCH HERE.
In anticipation of the Freep Film Festival screening of The Herricanes, Eric Guzman wrote a preview for the Detroit Free Press. READ HERE.
Olivia had an in depth conversation with Samantha Rae Lopez while in Park City during Slamdance. It is now live on her podcast TEXAS FILM IN FOCUS.
Olivia was thrilled to do an interview for ESPN Radio Missoula about The Herricanes. It was an honor and a pleasure to be highlighted. The interview has since been posted to the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival podcast. Check it out HERE.
We have an exclusive teaser to share via Comingsoon.net. Take a peak HERE.
The Herricanes has been selected to be a part of Slamdance 2024. What an exciting way to bring in the new year. Check out the announcement on Variety.
Morgan Roberts wrote a wonderful review of The Herricanes and even put us on her list of top 15 movies of the year. Read all about it HERE.
At last, The Herricanes returns to Houston for it's homecoming screening with the Houston Cinema Arts Festival. Chris Vognar wrote an amazing article for the front page of the Entertainment section of the Houston Chronicle. Check it out HERE. We also appeared in the Chronicle a couple of times leading up to this on October 9th and November 2nd.
Leading up to the New Hampshire Film Festival, Olivia spoke with Michael Azevedo on his podcast Making Media Now. Check it out HERE.
Coming out of the Nashville Film Festival, Connie Wilson wrote a piece about The Herricanes for The Movie Blog. Read her take HERE.
After our participation in the Vashon Island Film Festival, The Herricanes has been featured in the write up on Film Threat by Sabina Dana Plasse. Check out what she wrote HERE.
Another amazing conversation about the Herricanes, the Dolls, and women's sports. Brandy McDonnell of the Oklahoman covered our film a the deadCenter Film Festival. See the interview HERE. Photo credit Doug Hoke.
Olivia was delighted to speak with Scott Mitchell in Oklahoma City about the NWFL and women's sports today. Watch the interview HERE.
The Herricanes took the audience award for the Documentary Spotlight program at SXSW 2023. Words cannot describe our excitement. We are so happy that people are connecting with this film. A big thank you to SXSW for having us and also for honoring us with a Special Jury Recognition for the Louis Black Lone Star Award. Check out more on DEADLINE. Photo credit Nick Piacente.
Our viewers at SXSW have been sharing their thoughts about the film. Thank you Kyle Foley at But Why Tho, Jay Tyler at Cinapse, Seth Freilich at Pajiba, Alan French at Sunshine State Cineplex, and Stephen Saito at Moveable. It is fascinating to hear your ideas spinning off from The Herricanes. Your perspectives have been eye opening.
The Herricanes were awarded Special Jury Recognition for the Louis Black "Lone Star" Award at SXSW. We are honored and thrilled. Check out more on DEADLINE.
In the words of Abigail Rosenthal, Houston holds an illustrious claim on sports history. Think of the Astros, of Earl Campbell and other legends, of Billie Jean King's victory over Bobby Riggs in the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match at the Astrodome. But the city was also home to another athletic legacy all but lost to history: The Houston Herricanes, an all-female full-tackle professional football team that was active from 1976 until 1979. Full article HERE.
For several years in the 1970s, full-tackle women's football teams, including the Houston Herricanes, competed in the short-lived National Women's Football League. A new film tells the story of the diverse cast of characters on the Texas team who paved the way for future generations as they stormed the field, writes Sheila Flynn. Full article HERE.
Producer James Short went on live television to share a bit about the Herricanes. View segement HERE.
The 2023 SXSW lineup has been announced and THE HERRICANES will be featured in the Documentary Spotlight program. We are so excited to have our world premiere in Texas not far from home. Please come visit us at SXSW.
Tim Hanlon had me on his podcast to talk about Brick House, the NWFL, and the Houston Herricanes. Hear what we talked about HERE.
I'm always thrilled to brag about the Herricanes. Thank you Temple Northup and the University of Houston for featuring us on your podcast. Tune in HERE to listen.
We have been featured in another local publication. Thank you Voyage Houston for featuring us as a part of #LadyBoss. We have a lot of strong women leading this documentary and are so proud of all of them. See the full article HERE.
A huge thank you to writer Abby Ledoux for featuring us in Houstonia Magazine. It is so exciting having the city of Houston rally with us in celebrating the Herricanes. The article can be accessed online HERE
We made it to the front page of the Houston Chronicle! A massive thank you to writer Nick Powell for the incredible story. So glad we could celebrate the Herricanes 40 years later. Read the article online HERE. Thank you so much for having us!
We did an interview at Houston Public Media with Michael Hagerty of Houston Matters. It aired today on 88.7FM. If you missed it, you can listen HERE. Thank you so much for having us!
Tonight Olivia Kuan and Basia Haszlakiewicz were on the Gridiron Beauties Blitz Podcast Episode 277. Our segments starts at 1:07:00. Oscar Lopez, thank you for having us, it was a real pleasure.
Gridiron Beauties is a social media fan site spotlighting the best women's tackle football athletes in the world. The site was created with the admiration and devotion to promote awareness to the most beautiful female football athletes of Lingerie Football and Women's Tackle Football. Continue listening to their podcast every week to stay informed about all things women's football.
We have been featured in an article in today's paper on page C10. Thank you David Barron for the wonderful piece!
You have to be a committed Houston sports fan to remember the Houston Herricanes, who played from 1976 through 1979 in the National Women's Football League.
Olivia Kuan, a Bellaire high School graduate who is a cinematographer in Los Angeles, is attempting to gather research on a documentary about the Herricanes to be titled "Brick House." She also is working to raise money for the project through a crowdfunding page.
Kuan's mother, Basia Haszlakiewicz, played safety for the Herricanes in 1978-79, and Kuan for years has mulled over the idea of making a film about the team. She has conducted some initial interviews with about 15 former player and hopes to begin filming this year.
Kuan also hopes to focus on Anita Martini, the former KPRC (Channel 2) sports reporter who was one of the first female sports journalists in the Southwest and reported on the Herricanes for Channel 2.
"The team is the focus - the individuals and what brought them together - but it's also about the greater struggle of women trying to do things that haven't been done before," Kuan said. "Anita's story runs parallel to the Herricanes' story, and it is apt that they are related to each other."
Kuan, a graduate of New York University who has worked on feature films and documentaries, has been in contact with Martini's family and with Nelda Pena, Martini's longtime producer. Material on the Herricanes, however, has been difficult to come by, so Kuan is looking for material about the team and about Martini, with an emphasis on video footage. Kuan can be contacted through her homepage, oliviakuan.com, or through the Indiegogo page.